WordPress Tutorial

How To Choose A WordPress Theme – 10 Quick Methods

Choose A wordpress theme

Decided to create a website or change a theme, then was confused about how to choose a WordPress theme for your website. 

Following a few simple things will help you pick the right WordPress theme for your business websites and blogs.

When you are looking to choose a perfect WordPress theme online, you will be loaded with a huge number of WP themes to select for your website.

Here is a question, do all the WordPress themes come with better quality?

Definitely not. Even though many themes are loaded with many features, it is important to have some functionality that is considered the best WordPress theme.

Following some criteria and steps helps to answer the question of how to choose a WordPress Theme. Changing a theme is easy, but perfect WordPress theme selection takes time.

What Is A WordPress Theme?

WordPress theme creates the site architecture and provides an outline of the website. In short, the WordPress theme has complete responsibility for how your website looks, design, aesthetic, and user experience.

The theme is the main reason for the visually appealing design of the website. WordPress theme is a set of files that are packed as a zip file with various functionalities to present a good-looking website.

All the text and content of the website are placed inside the theme on your site. The layouts, styling, and formatting are controlled by the theme setting. 

But you can change the theme settings as per your requirement to make it suitable for your website. 

If you don’t have to spend time researching various themes to pick a high-quality theme, simply pick the Multifox theme

Multifox is a free multipurpose theme that is built with high-quality standards and advanced functionalities.

If you want to see a video on how to choose a WordPress theme watch the below video.

If you prefer to read as a blog then continue reading on how to choose a WordPress theme

Why It Is Important To Choose The Right WordPress Theme For A Website

Usually, there is a debate between using free and premium themes for the website. Most people suggest you choose a premium WordPress theme for the website.

But choosing between the free and premium WP theme is completely based on your requirements. The free themes are also packed with a lot of advanced features.

We have listed some of the important things to consider when choosing a perfect theme for a WordPress site. 

WordPress theme has more responsibility for how your website looks to the visitors, so it is important to pick the right WordPress theme.

Also, regular changing of themes will highly impact the user experience and SEO of the site. You can change and try as many themes when you have a relatively new website. 

Once your website starts to grow, it is not advised to change. The elements and styling options you have used from the previously used theme may cause formatting issues and an unresponsive layout.

Also, if you have used any shortcode and special plugin compatible with that particular theme, then you will have a heavier task of changing the theme. 

So choose a WordPress theme with advanced functionalities that is highly scalable to create large websites.

If you take a look at the WordPress theme directory, you can see that it has over 4500 free WordPress themes listed. You can also find a huge number of free and premium themes on various websites. 

So let us see some of the important tips for picking perfect WordPress themes and templates for your business websites.

How to choose a WordPress Theme
How To Choose A WordPress Theme – Infographic

How To Choose A WordPress Theme For Blogs & Websites

Here we have listed the important things to selecting the right theme for a WordPress site.

Responsive Theme Design

A responsive layout is a basic and must in every WordPress theme. Responsive themes will auto-adjust their size to suit different screen sizes, making it look neat and clean on every device. 

Most of the themes are majorly responsive to the desktop screens, but the problem is mobile responsiveness. Still, some themes are not fully responsive on mobile devices.

We have carefully handpicked the best responsive WordPress themes for your site. There are over 4.5 billion active mobile internet users in the world.

So there is no excuse for choosing a WordPress theme that is not responsive. Mobile has a huge potential on driving enormous amounts of traffic to skyrocket your business. 

Be it a business website or personal blog website, picking the responsive WordPress theme is a must. It is an essential functionality in selecting a WordPress theme. 

Performance Optimized

A perfect WordPress theme should be lightweight and fast loading. A website’s performance is one of the main reasons for user experience. 

In the recent few years, search engines like google are focusing more on providing a better user experience. 

If your site doesn’t load in under 3 seconds, they probably will have a high loss in your conversion rate. 

Picking a suitable WordPress theme is one of the best things to create a user-friendly site that reduces the bounce rate and improves conversion.

Most probably, if you are selling any product on the site, then the performance-optimized theme is better to go with. 

Plugins Supported Theme

WordPress has over 50K plugins in their free directory, which is really huge and massive. Mostly every site uses at least 5 to 10 plugins, which will highly enhance your website.

So it is important to make sure that your website supports plugins. Nowadays, mostly all the themes and plugins work together well. But there is still a possibility of both not matching each other and causing errors.

If you are using any particular plugin, then make sure that the theme supports that plugin. You can also read the theme’s documentation to find if there is any plugin that is not compatible with the theme.

Also, if you are using any page builder plugin like Elementor, ensure that theme provides any extra functionalities specifically to that plugin.

Likewise, the Multifox theme is highly compatible with the Elementor plugin and packed with many elements to power up your page-building experience.

Woocommerce Compatibility

If you are looking to build an online store or trying to sell any product, then the theme should have Woocommerce compatibility.

Over 2 billion people shop online every year, and Woocommerce (WordPress)  is the most popular platform for creating an online store.

Woocommerce is an eCommerce plugin from WordPress that incorporates the important eCommerce functionalities of your website. With Woocommerce, you can seamlessly create and manage the online store.

As previously mentioned, mostly all the modern themes support the plugins. But it is important to choose a WordPress theme with advanced Woocommerce functionalities to boost your functionalities. 

Multifox theme comes with a special Multifox shop plugin, which provides advanced eCommerce functionalities like a sale countdown timer, sticky add to cart, size guide, display real-time visitors, and many others.

Regularly Updated & Secured

What about choosing the best WordPress theme with outdated features? 

So choose a WordPress theme that is regularly updated to match with new features. There are a huge number of themes that are only once in a lifetime or last updated in 6 months or one year back.

The WordPress theme should be regularly updated with new features to be competitive in the modern world. Fixing bugs and security issues is highly important to keep your website safe against various vulnerabilities.

No product is made perfect the first time, so it needs to be frequently enhanced by fixing problems and collecting regular user feedback. 

Multifox theme is regularly updated with bug fixes and new features. We are also releasing new starter sites at frequent intervals that look beautiful.

Theme Support

A great product is about quality and backing the users with great support. Don’t choose a WordPress Theme that is not endorsed by excellent customer support.

You can’t expect direct support on free themes. Good Free themes usually have free documentation or forum support. But if you are looking for great support that helps you every time, then you should pick a premium WordPress theme.

It is also essential to look out for what type of support it offers. Getting great help at the perfect time is highly important.

Customization & Starter Sites

Choose a WordPress theme that is beginner-friendly and fully customizable. The theme should be fully customizable without touching a single line of coding.

Make sure it has enough functionalities and features to customize. Another important thing is starter templates.

Starter templates are prebuilt sites that can be installed with a single click and replaced with your own content. If you are looking to build niche-focused websites, then choose a WordPress theme with that demo template. 

So it helps to pick the right business templates or blog templates that match your needs. 

You can also go with any multipurpose WordPress themes like Multifox to create every type of website. On the Multifox theme, you can look at all the demo templates with inner pages to know how your website looks before installing it.

Theme Pricing

Theme pricing is another thing to consider when choosing a WP theme for the website. 

Another question here is, how much does a WordPress theme cost?

A good premium theme costs anywhere between $30 to $60. Mostly it could be an annual renewal. Some themes also offer lifetime membership, which could cost you higher. 

Buying a theme is completely based on your needs and the website’s requirements. If you are looking for any specific functionalities that are only available on every theme, it is definitely essential to choose that particular WordPress theme.

If you don’t need to spend money initially, then go with freemium themes like Multifox.

Here you can download and use the theme for free, and most of the features are free. But if you need more advanced features, then you can upgrade to premium. The premium version comes with a premium update and fantastic customer support.

Simplistic Design

A minimalistic design works best for WordPress themes. You don’t need a theme with various animations, combining multiple colors and a huge number of sections.

Having a simple and neat design works fine in most cases. Selecting a WordPress theme with a lot of animation can slow down your website, and also it takes more time to customize it. 

Always think from a user perspective, does this design suitable for our website and visitors? If a design distracts visitors from reading the content, it also causes a significant problem and reduces the conversion rate. 

So the WordPress theme selection is important; that should be content-focused and meets your goals.

SEO Friendly

SEO-friendly WordPress theme selection is very important. An optimized theme for SEO will help the search engines crawl your website better and index faster. 

Normally you can’t tell if the theme is optimized for SEO or not. But most premium themes are SEO friendly and also mentioned on the website. The theme should be content-focused and optimized.

If you are confused, then simply go with a Multifox theme. Multifox is an SEO-friendly theme, and personally, we are using this theme on our website. It ranks better for various keywords and provides easy crawling for search engines.

What Should Avoid To Choose A WordPress Theme

With multiple ways, suggestions, and comparisons, you can pick a WordPress. You may find the answer for What to look for in a WordPress theme, but you should be avoided it when choosing a theme. These simple things help to stand away from those WordPress themes.

  • Poorly coded – Some themes are poorly coaxed with bloats and unresponsive designs. It provides a bad user experience and degrades the brand quality. So better avoid selecting those WordPress themes.
  • No support – if you are opting for a premium theme, then definitely it should be backed by good customer support. 
  • Less customization – On WordPress, you can customize mainly without touching the coding. There are also some developer-focused themes available in the market that are helpful for developers to modify as per their requirements easily. So pick the theme carefully based on your needs.
  • Functionalities Overload – if you need to choose a blog theme, then mostly, you don’t need various functionalities loaded themes. Don’t pick a WordPress theme for a fancy layout and any specific attractive options. Sometimes it may also cause errors if it is not loaded properly.

Few Other Features To Consider In Choosing A Perfect WordPress Theme:

Other than the above listed, you can also lookout for some features that work as an added feature. Mostly these functionalities are available on all the modern themes, but it is important to confirm before picking the theme.

  • Translation Ready – Compatible to view in different languages
  • Page Builder Support – Look out for the most compatible page builder plugin with the chosen WordPress theme.
  • Mega Menu styles – Look out for mega menu functions and styles
  • Header and Footer – Header and footer customization options and possibilities.
  • Money-Back – If you are buying any theme, make sure it has a limited money time and guarantee.
  • Developer Friendly – If you are a developer, designer, or willing to learn by customizing the code, then make the developer options provided by the theme.

FAQ On How To Choose A WordPress Theme

1. Which WordPress theme is best for beginners?

There are over 5k WordPress themes available, but not everyone is optimized for beginners. Multifox is a fully customizable WordPress theme that is great for beginners. 
One of the important aspects of a beginner-friendly theme is starter templates. Multifox comes with multiple blog templates, business templates, and various niche-focused templates. 
These templates are installed with one click and replaced with your own content. So beginners don’t need to build sites from scratch.

2. How to choose a WordPress theme?

You can choose a perfect theme by following some simple techniques. It includes picking a theme with simple design, responsive, Seo friendly, Woocommerce support, performance-optimized, pricing, customization options, and plugin support. It is also important to pick the right WordPress theme based on your website requirements.

3. What is an Elementor Theme?

The themes that are highly compatible with Elementor page builders are considered Elementor Themes. Mostly all the themes are compatible with the Elementor page builder. Still, the specially designed themes will have extra elements and functionalities that improve the use of the Elementor page builder.

Also Read:

Are you confused about finding what WordPress theme a website is using, here is our free WordPress theme detector tool.

How To Choose A WordPress Theme: Wrap Up

These are the most crucial factors in selecting a WordPress theme for your website. Initially, list down your website requirements and any special functionalities that your website needs.

Then start looking for a suitable theme for your website. Most times you can add the specific functionalities using the plugin. So don’t pick any unknown theme, just for the features. Because it may disappoint you.

You can also read how to unpublish a WordPress page perfectly and remove featured images in single pages.

We hope this helps answer how to choose a WordPress theme that is excellent for every website.


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