WordPress Tutorial

Landing Page Optimization Techniques: Boost Your Conversion

Landing Page Optimization Techniques

Looking for landing page optimization techniques to improve your conversion rates? Then we have presented four important areas to focus on optimizing the landing page.

What is a Landing Page?

The landing page or destination page is a separate page that visitors arrive at after accessing an advertisement, such as pay-per-click, organic, banners, or a result of their search.

It stands out from the rest of the site, being created and composed with the sole purpose of displaying a single offer of your company in the most explanatory and attractive way.

This type of page is used in most cases in marketing campaigns. Their use has increased because they have become a necessary part of any online campaign.

It differs from the rest of your site because it does not have elements such as navigation links or multiple call-to-action buttons. You must give up links that refer to other pages because you want the visitor to stay on the landing page and be captured by your offer.

While the homepage tends to be where visitors can find all the information or as much information as possible about your company with the objective of performing more actions, the landing page aims to sell the products or services your company offers a specific offer.

The Basic Elements of a Landing Page:

Basic Elements of a Landing Page

The Right Message:

The title of your ad with the title found on the landing page of your offer must be appropriate and correlated to ensure visitors have reached the right page.

The words used in the advertisement or announcement must be found in the landing page’s content. You must convey to the visitor as clearly as possible what you offer, why they should choose you, and how they can take advantage of the offer/what you promote.

Optimize Your Main Title:

The main title plays a major role in optimizing a landing page. It attracts visitors to read and relate to the rest of the landing page.

If you want them to be captured, you must have a convincing main title – avoid exaggerations though. No one appreciates ‘shock shock shock’ headlines.

You can ask a question, offer a solution to a certain problem, or present your visitors with the benefits of your product or service.

A secondary title is neither mandatory nor necessary within a landing page. It can be used if the main title is too long to capture.

Also check: How to Hide Page Title in WordPress – Simple Methods

The Existence of a Call to Action:

Importance of Call to Action button

The call to action element with a message customized to your offer encourages visitors to take the action you want on this page.

The click on the call to action is the click that delivers the conversion. So, choose a message as direct as possible, such as: “Buy” or “Order.” The call to action button must be the most highlighted element on the page. It can be highlighted by using a contrasting color.

Optimized Content:

Optimized Content in Landing Page

The text must be very easy to read and addressed directly to the visitor. The landing page is entirely about the visitor’s experience, so explain as simply as possible in an engaging way the advantages of using the product or service you offer.

Do not use a block of text (a huge paragraph) because the information presented in this way is much harder to read and understand and even less presented in an engaging way. Too much text in the description of your offer is boring.

Use lists, numbers, or white space if necessary. The content should be focused on a single offer/action that the visitor can do.

In order to gain the trust of new visitors, you can also insert in the landing page some testimonials/opinions of some existing customers who have benefited from your products or services and how this has helped them. Try again to choose for their opinions to be displayed in the shortest and most concise way possible.

Other useful ideas in your adventure towards the landing page that brings as many conversions as possible:

If you are not sure about the color palette, a text (suppose you are not sure what text to put on the call to action button: I want the offer or buy now), or other elements, you can opt for A/B tests;

Try to avoid any type of link that could take the client elsewhere. In some cases, it is more effective to give up even the footer/header from your own website in order to focus the visitor on our page (so that they don’t get lost on the blog when you try to sell them your product);

Above the fold – refers to the portion of the page visible directly when loading a page. Make sure that the title or the catchphrase… even the form (if you collect e-mail addresses/subscribers), are positioned as high as possible.

First impression – if you promote the page through Adwords/FacebookAds or other similar services, probably most of those who access the page has the first contact with your business/brand. Check the texts and forms 3 times. Also, check for other errors… you don’t want the visitors’ first impression to be bad.

Prepare your server. Make sure you have enough resources to cope. It would be embarrassing not to deal with fixed hosting when trying to attract new customers/subscribers.

It integrates a heatmap. It can help you understand how visitors behave on your landing page and can help you improve it over time.

Nothing is perfect, constantly analyze the performance of the pages of this time. Minor (or no) adjustments based on data usually yield reliable results.


When we talk about a sales page type landing page, you must understand that this standalone page is only used to sell a product or service of your company. Its purpose is to give visitors the information they need to purchase.

If you want to build a custom landing page or personalize your website as you like, we recommend you check Kubio Builder. Our awesome plugin was built so that you can easily edit and create custom landing pages on your website. So give it a try.

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