WordPress Tutorial

How To Create A High-Performing Ecommerce Website On WordPress

How To Create A High-Performing Ecommerce Website On WordPress

Looking to create a high-performance ecommerce website. Then, here are a few tips to optimize your website for high conversions.

To sell products on WordPress, you must purchase a domain, sign up for hosting, and install WordPress.

WordPress is one of the most popular and scalable platforms out there, so there’s no surprise that you want to create an ecommerce site with it. However, it would help if you had reliable plug-ins and excellent web hosting to create a successful online store. 

In this post, we’ll walk you through the practical ways how to create a high-performing eCommerce site on WordPress: 

1. Invest In A Quality Theme

A theme is the foundation of your website. When it comes to picking a theme for ecommerce, there are plenty of options that you can choose from. However, not all themes are created equal. 

Picking a theme that isn’t optimized can put unnecessary weight on your site and dramatically slow it down. Other themes that don’t have a lot of functionality or are not well-supported can also create problems down the road. 

Also, here is how to install a WordPress theme in easy steps.

2. Choose The Right Plugins

Aside from the core code and themes, plug-ins are also one of the essentials that make up a site. Like themes, plenty of plug-ins do all kinds of functions for a basic WordPress site. 

Various plug-ins help you set up individual site features, such as payment portals, shopping carts, etc. Here is how to install a WordPress plugin.

3. Mobile-Friendly UX Design Is Key

According to data from Statista, 54.8% of traffic comes from mobile, which is expected to increase in the future. As an ecommerce business, customer convenience should be your primary focus. Customers primarily use their mobile phones to shop and make payments. 

As a result, you should concentrate on building mobile-friendly UX and designs. Ideally, choose a mobile-friendly design consistent with all devices, from creating, designing, and optimizing the checkout page.

To enhance your ecommerce site layout, you need to remove a couple of sections. Make sure you get rid of the heatmap to know which section garners the most attention, and remove the rest from the mobile layout.

Ensure you hide any extra tab on the header for the navigation. Ensure your header has a search bar so users can easily find what they’re looking for.

As soon as the user types their preference, all related items available for sale should be identified and shown on the search bar results page. Moreover, categories should be self-explanatory and further broken down into subcategories.

4. Make Your Site SEO Ready

Make your site SEO ready

During the awareness stage, customers use search engines to find their available options. You need to use the best search engine optimization (SEO) practices. 

Search engines utilize crawlers to find web pages and then catalog them into an index to make the search faster and more efficient. Not all sites on the internet are being cataloged or prioritized on search engine results pages. 

5. Ensure Seamless Website Navigation

A complicated navigation structure easily frustrates visitors, causing them to leave. Imagine coming across something you can’t buy because you can’t see the buy button. This can also cause your bounce rates to rise, and you’ll lose a lot of conversion opportunities.

Make sure that you offer seamless website navigation. Having an outstanding browsing experience makes it simple for users to find what they need on your site. It also encourages them to purchase more.

6. Product Search And Sorting Can Help.

The search functionality you provide users is much more important than you realize. That’s because online shoppers using search to find products are twice as likely to purchase when they come across something they’re looking for. 

Adding this to WordPress’s relatively limited default search function can significantly boost many ecommerce stores. Developers and site owners also have several options at their disposal when finding ways to enhance their online stores’ search functionality. 

7. Add A Compelling Call-To-Action

Make sure that you provide a CTA that’s easy and unique for users to understand what you want them to do on your site. 

You’d be surprised to know that specific phrases can enhance click-through rates. 

Here are handy phrases from different e-commerce scenarios: 

  • Learn more- This term doesn’t require a lot of commitment and can be used on offers like discounts, promotions, etc.
  • Join free- This is great for CTAs encouraging visitors to sign up for a loyalty program.
  • Buy now (with one click)- This statement is pretty straightforward. To make the buying process seamless, give a one-click option similar to Amazon.

8. Use Compelling Product Descriptions

Product descriptions should tell people what your product is, why they need it, and how it will benefit them. These descriptions provide information about the product, like the size, price, and materials, but they also need to be engaging and exciting enough to entice potential customers. 

So, ensure that you write your descriptions clearly and concisely and use evocative language. For instance, you can highlight the unique features of every product using words that convey quality. One technique for creating unique product descriptions is focusing on safety features. 

In the same way, you can also tap into attractive images and video demonstrations to entice customers with its visual appeal. If you can effectively do this, you can convince more people to purchase from your store. 

9. Optimize The Checkout Process

You should have a navigable checkout process if you want visitors to buy from your site. As soon as a visitor decides to purchase something, there should be an “Add to Cart” and “Buy Now” button that’s easily accessible. 

Also, don’t place a lengthy checkout form when making a purchase. Instead, when you make an e-commerce website, keep it simple. 

10. Put Payment Icons

Put payment icons

Ecommerce sites deal with plenty of customers worldwide, each with its preferred payment system.

There may also be technical limitations to a particular payment method or options. Thus, it would help if you clarified these beforehand. 

Also, make sure to avoid extra charges during the purchase. Include the shipping and tax information throughout the checkout process. This makes your pricing details accessible. 

You may lose customers if you place any hidden prices on your chosen product. 

11. Place Customer Reviews On A Testimonial On Your Site

Customer reviews and testimonials are pretty helpful in convincing people to buy from your store. People want to read reviews before making a purchase, so ensure that you include these on your site. 

Similarly, ensure you include testimonials from happy and satisfied customers who previously purchased from your store. 

So, put more effort into creating a site that caters to your customers’ needs. You should also be present in case someone is dissatisfied with the services that you’re offering. 

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Over to You

A WordPress ecommerce site is a fantastic way to sell your products online. It’s an excellent choice for online retailers, whether dropshipping from big manufacturers, selling homemade goodies, or anything in between. 

So make sure you keep these tips in mind to create a site that looks great and is easy to use. Hopefully, this post has helped you launch your ecommerce store and get better conversions.


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