WordPress Tutorial

How To Link A PDF In WordPress | Add Downloadable PDF Link

How to link a PDF in WordPress Add Downloadable PDF link

Searching for how to link a PDF in WordPress.

Once you upload a PDF to WordPress, then the next step is to add a link to a PDF in WordPress.

Adding a link to a PDF file in WordPress, same as the other media files in WordPress. 

In simple steps, you can learn how to link a PDF in WordPress and also make PDF downloadable in WordPress. You can follow the same method to add a link to a PDF and Word Document file in WordPress.

Follow the below tutorial to create and add a link to a PDF in WordPress.

How To Link A-PDF In WordPress Post And Page

Once you have uploaded the PDF to the WordPress website, now you need to add a PDF link on the WordPress page. 

  • From the WordPress Dashboard, click the Media option.
Select Media library in dashboard
  • Locate the PDF file in the library and click it.
Select the PDF file in Media library
  • Once you click on the PDF file, it opens the popup window. It contains all the details about the PDF file. At the right bottom, you can find a File URL area. 
Find the PDF URL in WordPress
  • Then click on the “Copy URL to the Clipboard”. Now the PDF file URL is copied.
Copy the PDF file link on WordPress
  • Now open the page; you need to add a PDF link and select the Text.
Add PDF link in WordPress
  • After selecting the text you want to link to a PDF, then click the link symbol on the block and paste the copied URL.
Now link a PDF in WordPress page
  • Now you have added a PDF link to the text on the WordPress page. Once you click the link, it opens the PDF file.

You have successfully added a PDF hyperlink to text in WordPress. You also use this link to share the PDF file. 

Now with this link, anyone can view the PDF file, which is now neatly hosted on your WordPress site.

If you want to view how to link a PDF in WordPress in a video watch it below.

To read as a blog then continue the reading.

How To Make PDF Download Link In WordPress

Now you know how to link a PDF in WordPress. Click that link only opens the PDF file and doesn’t automatically download the PDF file.

When you open the PDF file, you have an option to download the PDF. But if you want to make it more convenient for the users by adding downloadable PDF links on the WordPress website, then simply follow this tutorial.

  • Following the previous step, you have added the PDF link on the WordPress page.
Add PDF link in WordPress
  • Now click on the three dots on the editor and select Edit as HTML.
Click Edit as html in WordPress page
  • Now it changes thetext editor to HTML format. Even though you don’t know a single thing about the coding is also no problem to follow this method.
Now the text block is converted to html format
  • You will find <a Tag with the link you have placed. After the <a  Tag,
Look for the PDF link in WordPress
  • Include download after the <a Tag, and provide space before and after the word.
Insert download to make as a downloadable PDF file
  • Now again, click the three dots on the block, and select as edit visually. Then you have returned to the normal text block.
Change to Edit visually in WordPress block editor
  • Now, if you click on that link, it will automatically download the PDF file. The download attribute you have included will trigger the file download automatically.

So that user doesn’t need to open the PDF file and download it.

How To Link External PDF In WordPress

Suppose you are willing to add other PDF links or PDFs from another website. Then simply follow this method. On WordPress, you can PDF links from other websites.

  • Open the PDF in a Browser, and you need to add a link to your site. (For example, I have opened a PDF from an unknown website)
Open the external PDF in other site
  • Then copy the PDF URL from the browser.
Copy the PDF link from other site
  • Now add the PDF link to your WordPress site by following the previous methods on how to link a PDF in WordPress.

So now you have learned how to link a PDF in WordPress from your site and others sites. 

How To Link A-PDF In WordPress And Create A Downloadable PDF Link

This is the quick and easy method to link a PDF in WordPress without using a plugin. 

Once you have uploaded the PDF to WordPress, then follow these steps to link a PDF file and Word document in WordPress. 

If you regularly manage various PDF files, finding and managing more files in your library is difficult. 

Then use any library management plugins to categorize it easily. 

You can also read how to find page ID in WordPress and how to find a font from an image.

Are you confused about finding what WordPress theme a website is using, here is our free WordPress theme detector tool.

This simple tutorial helps you to learn how to link a PDF in WordPress and create a downloadable PDF link in WordPress. Visit our blog for more tutorials.


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