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8 Best Shopify Apps to Boost Your Sales

8 Best Shopify Apps to Boost Your Sales

In today’s world, where e-commerce is becoming popular, it’s important to have a strong online store presence to succeed in business. Shopify platform allows business owners to create and manage their e-commerce stores.

However, more than just creating an online store is needed to attract customers and increase sales. One effective way to boost your online store sales is to use various best Shopify apps. These apps can provide various features to help with marketing, sales, and customer service tasks.

List Of best Shopify apps helps to increase sales

1. Oberlo – Best dropshipping app

Oberlo is a popular dropshipping app that allows business owners to import products from AliExpress directly to their Shopify store. It automates ordering, from importing products to fulfilling orders and tracking shipments. It also provides tools for managing inventory and pricing. The app’s key features include automatic product updates, order fulfillment, and shipment tracking. Check out the Dropshipping Product Ideas.

Key features of Oberlo:

  • Dropshipping app to easily find and import products from AliExpress to your Shopify store
  • Automated order fulfillment and tracking to streamline the shipping process
  • Inventory and price syncing to ensure accurate product information and pricing
  • Advanced search and filter options to find the right products for your store
  • Customizable product descriptions and images to match your store’s brand
  • Integration with e-commerce platforms such as Shopify, Magento, and WooCommerce
  • Pricing automation to set your margins and automatically update prices
  • Multi-currency support for international stores
  • Detailed analytics and reporting to track performance and ROI.

2. Privy – email marketing and pop-up tool

Privy is an email marketing and pop-up tool that helps you convert website visitors into customers. It offers a variety of pop-up types, such as exit-intent pop-ups, spin-to-win pop-ups, and mobile-friendly pop-ups. It also offers email automation features.

Key features of Privy:

  • Various types of pop-ups to convert website visitors into customers, including exit-intent pop-ups, spin-to-win pop-ups, and mobile-friendly pop-ups
  • Email automation features include abandoned cart emails, welcome series, and order follow-up emails.
  • A/B testing for pop-ups and emails to optimize conversion rates
  • Customizable designs and targeting options for pop-ups
  • Integrations with various marketing tools such as Shopify, Mailchimp, and Klaviyo
  • Detailed analytics and reporting to track performance and ROI

3. Recart – Facebook Messenger marketing App

Facebook Messenger Marketing App

Recart is a Facebook Messenger marketing one of the trusted and best Shopify apps that helps businesses engage with customers and increase sales. It provides automated chatbots for customer queries, abandoned cart reminders, and personalized product recommendations. The app’s key features include automated messaging, detailed analytics, and integration with other marketing tools.

Key features of Recart:

  • Facebook Messenger marketing to engage with customers and increase sales
  • Automated chatbots to handle customer queries, abandoned cart reminders, and personalized product recommendations
  • Detailed analytics to track performance and ROI
  • Shopify, Klaviyo, and Mailchimp integration.
  • Customizable designs and targeting options for chatbots
  • GDPR compliance is required to safeguard customer data and privacy.
  • Abandoned cart recovery campaigns to recover lost sales
  • Multi-lingual support for international stores
  • Seamless checkout experience for customers within Messenger.

4. Yotpo – customer review and social proof app

Yotpo is a customer review and social proof app that helps businesses build customer trust and credibility. It provides tools to collect and display customer reviews on your store and share them on social media platforms.

It also offers loyalty and referral programs to incentivize customers to make purchases. The app’s key features include customizable review request emails, advanced moderation tools, and SEO-friendly reviews.

Key features of Yotpo:

  • Customer review and social proof app to build trust and credibility with customers
  • Customizable review request emails to collect reviews from customers
  • Advanced moderation tools to manage and respond to reviews
  • SEO-friendly reviews to improve search engine rankings
  • Collaboration with Shopify, Magento, and WooCommerce, among other e-commerce platforms.
  • Social media sharing of reviews to reach a wider audience
  • Loyalty and referral programs to incentivize customers to make purchases and refer friends
  • • Detailed performance and ROI analytics and reporting
  • Ability to showcase customer-generated photos and videos to improve product page experience.

5. Referral Candy – referral marketing App

The Referral Candy app is a referral marketing tool that facilitates customer acquisition via word-of-mouth. It offers customizable referral programs to incentivize customers to refer friends and family to your store. The app’s key features include automated referral tracking, easy setup and integration, and customizable rewards for customers and referrals.

Key features of ReferralCandy:

  • Referral marketing app to acquire new customers through word-of-mouth marketing
  • Customizable referral programs to incentivize customers to refer friends and family to your store
  • Automated referral tracking to ensure rewards are accurately distributed
  • Easy setup and integration with various e-commerce platforms, including Shopify, Magento, and WooCommerce
  • Customizable rewards for customers and referrals
  • Personalized referral links for each customer to share with their network
  • Integration with various email marketing tools to promote referral programs
  • Comprehensive analytics and reporting to monitor performance and ROI
  • The ability to tailor the look and feel of the referral program to your brand.

6. Klaviyo – email marketing and automation app

Email Marketing App

Klaviyo is an email marketing and automation, one of the best Shopify apps that helps businesses target and engage customers through personalized email campaigns. It provides advanced segmentation tools to create targeted email lists and automation workflows to send personalized messages based on customer behavior. The app’s key features include A/B testing, detailed analytics, and integration with other marketing tools. Check out How Do I Start Marketing Automation.

Key features of Klaviyo:

  • Email marketing app with advanced segmentation capabilities to target specific customer groups
  • Automated email flows such as abandoned cart reminders, welcome series, and order follow-up emails
  • Shopify, Magento, and WooCommerce integration.
  • Personalized product recommendations to increase sales and customer loyalty
  • Advanced reporting and analytics to track performance and ROI
  • Customizable designs and templates for emails and signup forms
  • SMS marketing to reach customers through text messages
  • Facebook and Instagram advertising integration to target customers on social media
  • A/B testing for emails and signup forms to optimize conversion rates.

7. PageFly – page builder app

PageFly is a page builder app that helps businesses create custom landing pages, product pages, and home pages without coding knowledge. It provides a drag-and-drop interface, customizable templates, and responsive design options. The app’s key features include A/B testing, SEO optimization, and integration with other best Shopify apps.

Key features of PageFly:

  • Drag-and-drop page builder for Shopify stores to create customized landing pages, product pages, and homepages
  • Pre-designed templates to help get started quickly
  • Mobile-friendly designs to ensure pages look great on all devices
  • Advanced styling options, including typography, color, and layout customization
  • Adaptation to different e-commerce platforms, such as Shopify, Magento, and WooCommerce.
  • SEO-friendly pages to improve search engine rankings
  • Easy-to-use interface with no coding required
  • Shopify, Magento, and WooCommerce integration
  • Multi-language support for international stores.

8. Smile – loyalty program app

Smile is a loyalty program app that helps businesses retain customers and increase repeat purchases. It offers customizable reward programs, VIP tiers, and referral programs. The app’s key features include automated reward distribution, detailed analytics, and integration with other Shopify apps.

Key features of Smile:

  • Loyalty and rewards app to incentivize customers to make repeat purchases and refer friends
  • Customizable rewards program to fit your store’s needs and brand
  • Points-based system to reward customers for purchases, referrals, and other actions
  • Shopify, Magento, and WooCommerce integration
  • Easy setup with no coding required
  • Advanced reporting and analytics to track performance and ROI
  • Personalized customer experience with customized rewards and promotions
  • • Referral program to encourage customers to recommend your store to friends and family
  • Integration with various email marketing tools to promote loyalty and referral programs.

Wrap-Up: Best Shopify Apps to Boost Your Sales

These 8 best Shopify apps are some of the best tools to boost your online store’s sales and improve customer engagement. From email marketing and loyalty programs to drop shipping and social proof, these apps offer a wide range of features to help your store succeed.

By leveraging the power of these best Shopify apps, you can increase sales, drive customer loyalty, and streamline your operations. With the right combination of apps and a strong marketing strategy, you can take your Shopify store to the next level and achieve long-term success.

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