WordPress Tutorial

How To Create Tables In WordPress Posts And Pages Without Plugin/HTML

How to Create Tables in WordPress Posts and Pages Without plugin

Looking to add tables to WordPress posts and pages. You can easily create tables in WordPress without using plugins in a couple of minutes.

As a beginner, you can simply insert tables in WordPress with any coding. In later days, you needed to use any plugin or HTML coding to create tables in WordPress, but now it is not the case.

This WordPress tutorial explains how to create tables in WordPress pages and posts. 

Why Do You Need to Add Tables in WordPress?

Tables are a great way of displaying the data in an understandable format. Especially if you have data on different products or sectors, making tables is a more effective way to showcase the information.

You can also use WordPress tables to create comparisons between different products. Generally, data-driven content with charts and tables is excellent and visually appealing to visitors. 

It helps to reduce bounce rates and improve conversion rates. So, including different blog content formats will allow the user to engage more. 

On WordPress, you can create and customize tables using different colors.

If you want to view how to create tables in WordPress posts and pages without plugin/HTML in a video watch it below.

To read as a blog then continue the reading.

How to Create Tables in WordPress Posts and Pages Without plugin and HTML

There are some websites still suggesting the users to use HTML or plugins to create tables in WordPress. But we are here with simple steps to insert or add tables in WordPress without HTML.

How to Create Tables in WordPress Posts Using Block Editor

WordPress is a highly customizable platform for creating and customizing website pages to every extent. 

So follow the below steps to add tables to WordPress posts and pages.

  • Login and visit the WordPress dashboard.
  • On the WordPress dashboard, navigate to the posts and click Add New to create a new post. (To insert Tables in previously published posts, click the “All Posts” and select the post you need to edit)
Click add new on the posts
  • Now the block Editor is opened. Click the Plus (+) icon on the content area.
Click plus icon to add tables in WordPress
  • Search for the “Table” and click the table icon.
Search for table block in Gutenberg editor
  • Now enter the number of columns and rows. Then click the “Create table” button. You don’t need to provide it more accurately. Just provide the number of columns and rows, and you can delete or add rows and columns as many as you need.
Provide number of rows and columns in table
  • The table is created and added in the WordPress post.
Table is inserted in WordPress
  • Click the table. On the right side of the block editor, you will have Table block customization options.
Created tables in WordPress block editor
  • By default, WordPress adjusts the table size based on the content length. But if you want your tables to be fixed, then turn on the “Fixed with Table cells” option.
WordPress table settings in block editor
  • You can also enable the Header and Footer option. 
Customize header & footer options in WordPress tables
  • Other than this, you can also customize the size of the text and color of the text and table background. (This option could also change based on the WordPress theme – Here, we have used the Multifox theme)
Customize text and background color of WordPress tables
  • To add or delete a row and column, click your pointer on the table. You will have block settings on top of the table.
WordPress tables customization options
  • On the table block setting, click on the “Edit Table” option. It opens a drop-down option to add or delete rows and columns. Pick the option to insert or delete the rows and columns.
Edit table in WordPress block editor
  • Also, choose the “Change Text Alignment” option to change the text alignment inside the table. It has three alignment options. By default, the content is aligned on the left of the tables in WordPress.
Change text alignment of WordPress tables
  • If you are willing to change the complete table alignment, then select the “Change Alignment” option and customize the tables in WordPress.
Change WordPress table alignment in block editor

This is the simple method to create and add tables in WordPress from the Gutenberg block editor.

How to Create Tables in WordPress Posts Using Google Docs

Another method to add tables in WordPress is by using Google Docs. 

Follow the below simple steps to create and insert tables in WordPress.

  • Open Google Docs or Google Sheet to create a table (Here, for reference, I have created a table in Google docs)
  • Click “Insert” and select “Table”. Provide the content and fill the tables.
Insert tables in Google Docs
  • Now copy the table from Google Docs and paste it into the block editor.
Table is inserted from Google docs
  • The table is inserted on WordPress. You can now customize the tables as it is created here.

These are the simple methods to Add and insert tables in WordPress without a plugin. But if you need more flexibility in creating and customizing tables, then using plugins is the best option to create tables in WordPress.

How to Add and Insert Tables in WordPress Posts Using Plugin

Using a plugin is the best option if you need more customization to the WordPress Tables. Specifically, if you are using WordPress classic editor, then you need a plugin to add tables in WordPress.

Here we are using the TablePress plugin to insert tables in WordPress. 

TablePress is an open-source and free plugin with over 800k users. You can also check out how to install the plugin.

  • Install and activate the TablePress plugin. 
  • Visit the WordPress dashboard. 
  • Hover over the “TablePress” and click “Add New Table.
Ad new table from Tablepress plugin
  • Now provide a Table name and Description (Optional). Also, enter the number of rows and columns you want to create a table. (Here, I’m providing 5 rows and 5 columns. And click the Add Table button at the bottom. 
Include name & description for table
  • The table is created on the screen where you can provide the information. Type the data you need to fill up the table.
Add tables in WordPress using TablePress plugin
  • You can also sort the data column by using the arrow present on the top of each column. 
Sort the columns of the table
  • Below the Table Content section, you will find a Table Manipulation section. You can use this option to insert images, insert rows, and hide and duplicate.
Table manipulation option in Tablepress plugin
  • Below the “Table Manipulation,” you can see “Table Options.” Here you can enable the header and footer for the table and a few other options.
Customize the table options
  • Next, in the “Features of the DataTables Javascript library” section, you will have the sorting, filtering, and pagination options to customize the table.
Save changes after customizing WordPress table
  • Once you have filled up the column and done all the changes, click the Save Changes button.
  • Then Scroll the page upwards, and you will see a Shortcode. Copy that Shortcode and place it on the block editor, where you need the table to appear. 
Get the Table Shortcode ID

You can also place the Shortcode on the Paragraph block or Shortcode block in the Block editor

Insert table shortcode in WordPress block editor

This is the quickest way to create and insert tables in WordPress pages and posts using plugins. You can add as many WordPress tables, and a unique shortcode is created for each table.

Add Tables in WordPress Posts and Pages: Wrap Up

Using these methods, you can create and insert tables in WordPress pages and posts with/without using plugins. 

If you are creating a general table, then using the table block from the block editor is enough.

Also learn how to create websites like flipkart and create custom sidebar in WordPress. Are you confused about finding what WordPress theme a website is using, here is our free WordPress theme detector tool.

We hope this article helps you to learn about how to create tables in WordPress. For more tutorials, visit our blog. If you have questions, do leave a comment in the comments section, and our WordPress experts will reply to you.


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