WordPress Tutorial

Using AI To Write Effective SEO Content: Tips And Tricks

SEO content is defined as the type of content that is written in accordance with various guidelines in order to play a role in boosting the SERP rank of a website. There are several differences between normal informational content and SEO content – such as the way it is researched, written, and optimized.

Generally, writing SEO content is somewhat more difficult and time-consuming. Since there is a lot to do, it can take up quite a bit of time and also be somewhat grueling in terms of the effort required.

There is, however, a solution that you can use to write effective SEO content without putting too much time and effort into it. That is to use artificial intelligence. In this post, we’re going to be looking at some of the main ways in which you can use AI for effective SEO content writing.

1. Idea generation and content planning

The SEO potential of a piece of content is determined right from the idea it is based on and the information it covers. If the idea is useful and the information provided is helpful, then the content can rank high and perform well in the SERPs.

This is something that you can use AI for.

  • For getting a useful idea to write on, you can use analytical tools. Google Trends, for example, is a tool that you can use to find trending and popular topics. You can find topics that people are actively looking to read on. The tool itself, Google Trends, employs AI in various forms when it has to analyze trends and provide them in the form of perusable results to the users.
  • Then, once you have your idea, you can create a plan for it using AI. You can make an outline for it that covers all the important facets and aspects. That way, when you create the content itself, it will come out to be helpful to the readers. As for how exactly you can create an outline for your content, there are multiple ways that you can try. You can either use a dedicated outline generator tool or you can use generative AI assistants.

2. Content generation and improvement

When the planning is all done, the next thing is to create the content itself.

With AI at hand, there are different approaches you can take to content creation. There are online AI tools that are made for the sole purpose of generating content. They are used by many people to save time and effort in writing.

Content generation

Keeping that in mind, one way in which you can use artificial intelligence is by partially generating the content that you want to write. The partial content can serve as a starting area for you. You can read it and use it to get an idea of what you have to write. Then, you can expand on that in your own words and finish the whole write-up.

Following the method above, you can get assistance from AI while avoiding the issues and problems that are normally associated with it. You don’t have to compromise originality or creativity. You just use the content as a starting point and then write the rest yourself.

Content improvement

For some people, however, this can be a bit too intrusive. They prefer to write everything themselves. It’s understandable. We ourselves are in that category. But there is a way in which even these latter types of people can use AI. They can use it to improve the content once they are done with it.

This is done with the help of online paraphrasing tools. Paraphrasing tools are generally thought to have a more academic type of use. But they can be used for SEO writing as well when it comes to content improvement.

Paraphrasing tools that work on AI are better than their simple counterparts. The changes they make are not haphazard, nor are they nonsensical. They can improve the content that they are provided by making it flow better and easier to understand.

To give you a better idea of this, here is a screenshot showing an AI paraphrasing tool as well as the changes that it is making to the provided content.

3. Analyzing SEO friendliness

Before a piece of content is used for SEO purposes, it has to be analyzed whether it is properly optimized for it or not. There are different elements that it has to contain, and there are different aspects that it has to adhere to.

The SEO-friendliness of a piece of content is determined by the number and type of keywords it contains, the headings it is divided into, etc.

SEO analyzers are online tools that serve the purpose of scanning content and checking for these elements. They use AI for this purpose. Here is a screenshot of one online content analysis tool:

4. Proofreading and checking

Checking and proofreading content is also important – whether it is for SEO purposes or anything else. This is also something that can be done with the help of AI.

When it comes to SEO-friendliness, errors and imperfections in content can be very harmful. Some search engines – like Bing – take grammar perfection as a ranking factor. However, Google doesn’t.

But, even then, it does not mean that it is fine to ignore them. Even if the search engines don’t regard grammatical perfection as a ranking factor, the readers sure do. If the content is riddled with errors like this, it can put the readers off, and they can abandon the site and go somewhere else. This can raise the bounce rate, which can then send a negative signal to the search engine.

How does AI help in avoiding this issue? They play a role in the form of AI grammar checkers.

Grammar checkers have the simple function of scanning the content they’re given and pointing out the errors it contains. When equipped with AI, these tools become more precise and accurate in their work. They are able to understand the context of the content in detail and then analyze it accordingly.

5. Conclusion

And that’s where our article ends.

Using AI can be very helpful and beneficial for SEO writing. There are many different tasks that you can perform with it. We have discussed some of the main ones in the article above.

To sum it up, you can use AI to get ideas for your content, plan it out, generate it, improve it, and check it before finalization.



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